First reference to the AIDS crisis in the Columbia Spectator
The reference to the AIDS crisis in the Columbia Spectator is not a piece of reporting, but an advertisement in the November 16, 1981 issue, placed by a student group seeking volunteers. “Gay People at Columbia seek volunteers for cancer research,” it says. “Physicians from St. Luke’s Hospital will discuss this project relating to Kaposi’s sarcoma with potential volunteers at 8:30 pm in the Schiff Room of Earl Hall on Tues., Nov. 17. Volunteers should be gay and male. No other qualifications.”

The New Normal
From our vantage point in 2019, the Spectator advertisement is ominous. Only seven months earlier, a New York Times headline, now well-known in annals of the HIV epidemic in the U.S., read “Rare cancer seen in 41 homosexuals.” The Times story went on to report that a preponderance of the gay men diagnosed were from New York City, and that eight of the men diagnosed died within twenty-four months.
Fear & Hope
Nearly all of the Columbia Spectator reporting on HIV/AIDS from 1981-1996 is provided here. The burden of HIV on the university is palpable in the expressions of fear and hope in these pieces. The sheer number of stories about HIV and its effects on students’ lives, as well as the amount of advertising of supportive and informational meetings hosted by various student, health and administrative groups, shows the extent of the concern. Particularly noteworthy are the special issue titled “AIDS and Columbia,” published on October 17, 1985 and the supplemental “Special Issue on AIDS,” published on October 29, 1990.
An updated view of how HIV/AIDS impacted student life was told in 2012 in an article entitled "Fight On: The Story of AIDS at Columbia", written by a Columbia College student named Will Hughes who, among other achievement while at Columbia, created the first GHAP Archive site.
It should be noted that the reporting and advertising included here is limited, for the most part, to stories pertaining directly to Columbia. We did not include reviews of novels, films or theater, for example, nor did we include reporting by other news agencies that were reprinted in the Spectator.

More Treatments, Less Urgency
Additionally, we decided not to share as much of the Spectator reporting on HIV/AIDS after 1996. The development of highly-active antiretroviral therapy, or HAART, around this time was a game-changer. An HIV diagnosis would no longer be akin to a death sentence for people who had access to treatment.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the reporting after 1996 doesn’t show the same degree of urgency about HIV among Columbia students (although the fear never disappears completely). This is not to say that Columbians weren’t thinking passionately about HIV and AIDS, but the focus since the mid 1990s has tended to be about people, places and politics outside of the iron gates. All of this is worth investigating, and easily searchable at the online Spectator Archive.
Columbia Spectator Coverage By Year
Below are links to online articles or scanned copies from the archives of the Columbia Spectator, sorted by year:

- The gift of life
- 1,500 mourn deaths of those with AIDS
- AIDS self-exam and health advocacy
- Campus calendar
- Folk dance wine and cheese party
- Forum on AIDS
- Manhattan Women's Medical Center
- National AIDS vigil
- Spotting AIDS part of a new health program
- Pollack, gay students discuss AIDS harassment at forum
- Advertisement for Gay and Lesbian dance

- Twelve commonly asked questions on AIDS
- AIDS and Columbia editorial
- AIDS in Zaire providing clues to a medical mystery
- AIDS raises series of civil liberties issues
- AIDS special issue image in front of class of 1929 gate
- Doctors criticize free hypodermics
- Gay groups in New York list safe sex guidelines
- Group won't set AIDS policy
- IV drugs not widely used on Columbia University campus
- Panelists refute charge that AIDS is from Haiti
- Religion and AIDS
- St. Marks bath house tries to play it safe
- Columbia lacks a definite policy on AIDS education, cases

- AIDS Committee keeps housing policy
- AIDS group may set up individual review policy
- AIDS group reaffirms current disease policy
- AIDS group takes stock of previous conclusions
- AIDS info pamphlets bring out homophobia
- Columbia College '84 graduate dies of AIDS
- Condom dispensers latest from Health Service
- Correction to a quote from the AIDS committee
- Columbia University to distribute AIDS information this fall
- Forum informs Columbia University women on AIDS concerns
- Free AIDS info
- Gay Pride week will provide health information
- Gay Pride week draws to a close
- Advertisement for GHAP discussion
- Advertisement for GHAP safe sex workshop
- Health advocates counsel students on AIDS concerns
- Letters: Memorial fund
- Letters: Homophobic censorship
- Mullinix means "committee" in Low
- Mullinix rejects AIDS educational funding
- Scholarship to honor AIDS victim
- Spectator poll: support for an AIDS policy
- Students voice AIDS fears

- Top AIDS experts discuss new treatments and options
- Two years of debate and still no AIDS policy
- Washington rally calls for gay rights
- What Dr. Ruth left out
- Women, AIDS subject of awareness talk
- $19 million grant to boost AIDS research
- AIDS Awareness Week advertisement
- AIDS pamphlet marketed nationally
- Corrections to article about AIDS pamphlet being marketed nationally
- AIDS researchers centralize efforts
- AIDS researchers—T cell work brings hope
- Barnard administrators halt Health Services AIDS test
- AIDS test still suspended at Barnard Health Service
- AZT Treatment advertisment
- Columbia College preceptor dies of AIDS—endowment fund planned
- Gay Mens Health Crisis event at Teachers College
- Columbia Gay Health Advocacy Project sponsors info session
- Columbia University hospitals keep AIDS testing voluntary
- Free for all—Furnald offers free protection for a day
- Garcia fund gets $9,000
- Gay health group turns to students for funding
- 20 years after first homosexual student group, gay men and lesbians still a minority
- AIDS 101 Pizza Blast advertisement
- Long-awaited AIDS policy promises no discrimination
- NIH's slow AIDS research blasted
- Release of AIDS policy delayed again

- AIDS benefit draws NYC and CU artists
- AIDS Memorial Quilt advertisement
- AIDS forum focuses on updating, expanding NYC health facilities
- AIDS Quilt on Hamilton Lawn honors New Yorkers who died of the disease
- AIDS peer educators hold student information session
- AIDS Committee to unveil policy this week
- Barnard AIDS Workshops halted by administrators
- Barnard SGA endorses AIDS peer educators
- Better late than loopholes
- Deadly and Dumb
- Pushing for protection
- Conference explores new ways to treat AIDS, related disorders
- CU doctors divided on needles for addicts
- Football coach and players charged with harassment
- Free meal volunteer group reaches out to AIDS patients
- Ignorance isn't bliss
- Law students represent eight in AIDS discrimination cases
- Letters: Art Against AIDS
- Missing the point
- National Condom Week: Please love with caution
- Advertisement: Art Against AIDS Week
- Advertisement: Safer Sex Workshop
- Advertisement: Lecture entitled "Discovering the AIDS Virus"
- Advertisement: Lecture entitled "Old Plagues and New Pandemics - Microbe Hunting Revisited
- Advertisement: Lecture entitled "AIDS - The Challenge to Health and Society"
- Advertisement for AIDS peer educators at Barnard
- Advertisement: AIDS Education Day
- Peer educators continue to work in spite of ban
- Rodgers optimistic about talks with peer educators
- SFARFS claims beer bath courtesy of frat
- Students rally against harassment on campus

- AIDS peer educators now a CU group
- School of General Studies may change requirements
- GHAP Event ad: We all need to know about AIDS
- Law students to protest attempts to close clinic
- 200 sit in at Law School to protest AIDS clinic cutback
- Barnes reappointed to run Law School AIDS clinic
- Barnard College professor and SEAS student pricked in what police say appears to be racially motivated attacks
- Punctures problematic
- Columbia Gay and Lesbian Alliance office vandalized, posters defaced with slurs
- Columbia Gay and Lesbian Awareness Week
- Condom Awareness Week
- Condom machines coming to campus laundry rooms
- GHAP recruitment ad: Do you like a good fight?
- Expedite AIDS education
- Experts discuss new AIDS drugs and treatment at CU conference
- Hate and violence against campus minorities on the rise
- Gay and lesbian dance sponsors reach agreement
- GHAP recruitment ad: Gay health advocates fight AIDS
- Gay and lesbian Columbia University student groups organize and mobilize in the age of AIDS
- No arrests yet in string of Broadway needle attacks
- WKCR explores gender, race, and sexuality
- Black church should offer help in fighting AIDS
- Prayer on AIDS
- Only six fluid and ignorance cause AIDS
- Ad for live reading and Q&A session with Larry Kramer - The making of an AIDS Activist
- Quote of the day
- GHAP wine and cheese socials advertisement

- AIDS: A dedicated issue
- Think you know everything about AIDS? Guess again
- Tragedy on film
- Untitled - image representing AIDS epidemic
- Useful AIDS numbers
- Who benefits?
- You're smart enough to go to Columbia
- ACT UP, other groups provide voice for activists Influence AIDS legislation, treatment
- AIDS and minority women discussed
- AIDS Awareness
- AIDS Awareness Day
- AIDS cases in adolescents and adults under age 25 by exposure category cumulative totals
- Ad: AIDS Education
- Poem: To love
- Conference: AIDS in Africa and the Caribbean
- AIDS quilt to be shown at St. Paul's
- AIDS spreading in Harlem neighborhoods at a fast rate
- Too weighty a premise
- Barnard Health Services focuses on HIV education
- Barnard holds personal health awareness week
- Campus Beat Listings Wack-a-doo
- Campus-Beat-Campus-Listings-Spuh-ring
- GHAP offers health care to students infected with HIV
- Columbia School of Physicians and Surgeons along with Harlem Hospital and St. Lukes spearhead projects on the cutting edge of AIDS research
- Coming this Monday - Spectator's special supplement on AIDS
- Commissioner talks on public health
- CU AIDS policy prohibits discrimination
- CU law students worked for AIDS discrimination clinic
- Darby may get lighter sentence for AIDS test
- Darby test provokes mixed reaction
- Decision - a cartoon about AIDS
- Dimaggio and Dinkins grace CU's graduation
- Ad: Fighting AIDS on campus - Be a nice boy
- Ad: Fighting AIDS on campus - Be an activist
- Ad: Fighting AIDS on campus - Have an attitude
- Fighting the changing face of AIDS discrimination
- Fighting to live a whole life with AIDS
- Five peer educator groups teach campus of sexual risks
- Friends remember educator at services held last Thursday
- Griffin speaks to 400 about black education
- Ad: It can happen to you
- Letters Audubon agenda absurd
- Letters: Griff on AIDS
- Letters: Gulf policy defended
- LGTC honors its founders at fifth anniversary party
- More of Griff
- New campus magazine covers City life
- News Brief: Darby's sentencing delayed
- Patterns of Transmission
- Plea for justice
- Rapist gets reduced term for agreeing to AIDS test
- Senior faces world fraught with peril
- Sexual awareness on the steps at Low
- Sexual logic falls short in practice
- Show a healthy interest in sex
- Special AIDS and the Arts Charity en Vogue
- Spectrum AIDS means lots of change
- Spectrum Students must exercise self-control
- Spectrum Warning: Purchasing condoms can be hazardous to your health
- Study AIDS in the labs and on the street
- Tea talk centers on alcohol awareness
- Teach sexual responsibility, not chastity
- The other cheek

- AIDS service agencies seek community support
- Blood drive organizers seek to increase number of donors
- CCSC recognizes union support group
- Columbia med students create documentary on homelessness
- CU joins in condom awareness week
- CU rallies become more militant
- DDC counsels teens about pregnancy
- Defending APAAM
- Dinkins discusses city budget, crime
- Etiquette of apathy overcomes sexual revolution
- First female surgeon general speaks
- GS student playwright dies of AIDS
- Health Services sees ever-growing number of customers
- In the black box
- Insensitive word choice
- Language: a crucial feminist issue must not be ignored
- LBGC sponsors Coming Out Day
- Learn about AIDS first
- Let gays live their lives
- Marci is third Rhodes Scholar in three years
- Memorial service held for GS student AIDS activist
- New handbook to guide women to CU resources
- Peace rally draws 2000 protestors to Low steps
- Romantic and safe
- Speaker discusses AIDS and outing
- Spectrum: Magic's greatest contribution
- Sports media has taught us about AIDS
- Student Life workshops and therapy groups
- Students continue rallies on Low steps

- The BSO invites its most controversial speaker
- WCBS radio to sponsor health program with CU
- Womens Center discusses possibility of Feminist Week
- AIDS Awareness Day Service
- Alienation and your right to exist
- Angela Davis letter to black students organization
- Barnard conference will address student activism
- Barnard may begin HIV testing
- BC health awareness month begins
- Building of research lab delayed by court appeal
- Columbia students reach out through Community Impact
- CU professor dies from AIDS at 38 years of age
- D'Amato makes surprise visit to symposium at SIPA
- Front page beats sports page in '91
- Got problems? Nightline can help
- Harvard searches for new provost
- Hegarty from Catholic Campus Ministries Dies
- Hittin' Home
- Homosexual studies will not expand
- Keeping well away from home
- Koop addresses healthcare issue
- Messinger speaks about Manhattan dilemmas
- Middle singing intranvenously
- Ad: Dance for amFAR
- Parade discrimination was clear homophobia
- Resident Assistant positions
- Rheedland Center helps neighborhood students
- Safely
- SGA allocates 400 to recent ASU cultural show
- SGA refuses to consider subsidizing Greek council
- Spectrum: The risks of sunbathing and AIDS
- Student Life Workshops and Therapy Groups
- Students confer on need for activism on campus

- A Day Without Art turns attention to AIDS Memorial service, remembers victims
- AIDS Awareness Day Service
- Barbecue mocks student hunger strike
- Barnard students concerned about AIDS
- Barnard sponsors blood drive in McIntosh
- Cancer can't be ignored
- Columbia groups deal with epidemic
- College Republicans were ignorant
- Columbia alum creates new AIDS treatment
- Columbia may lose $1 million in Clinton plan
- Date rape and stereotypes discussed
- Detainment of Haitians discussed at Teach-In
- First woman to head Republicans speaks
- Focus: Sex at Columbia - How students are making out
- Food fight
- LBGC plans campus events for BGLAD
- Letters to the Editor: AIDS Awareness
- Monogamy the sure cure for AIDS
- Next week Come Out and BGLAD
- Ad: Open House - volunteer for Community Impact
- Panelists argue for more AIDS funding
- Professors receive NIH grant for AIDS research
- Go Ask Alice - Questions about your health
- Quote of the day
- Reply to Ryan: Why condoms won't work
- Rupp, Rangel to brief US Congress
- SGB hosts discussion of Columbia Republicans BBQ
- So what exactly was Spike's point last night?
- Spectrum: A profound need for prophylactics
- Spectrum: Barnard-Columbia STAC talks back - A response
- Spectrum: Be careful climbing the sex tree
- Spectrum: Condom skills for the intoxicated
- Spectrum: Good intentions in the age of AIDS
- Spectrum: Take back the nation - Queers in DC
- Spike Lee tells of experiences as filmmaker
- Student Life Workshops and Therapy Groups
- Students join in Washington march
- Students protest Clinton Haitian refugee policy
- Students talk about impact of AIDS
- The truth about E. Coli
- Two deaths force General Studies reorganization

- Ad: Student Wellness Day—Access to Care
- ACT UP protests Pulitzer cartoonist
- AIDS quilt will come to Columbia next year
- AIDS victims remembered in St. Paul's ceremony
- BGLAD kicks off in Low Plaza
- BGLAD panels focuses on safe sex
- BGLAD week allows celebration, reflection
- Bynum talks of death, resurrection
- CCSC discovers lower reserves for 1994
- Community: mentions of ACT UP protests of Pulitzer cartoonist and opening of Gay Games
- Community impacts open houses
- Columbia University filmmakers garner Academy nominations
- Columbia University graduates unique students
- Columbia University deserves a Day Without Art
- Does the thought of AIDS or cancer frighten you?
- Gay Games open at Baker Field
- Gay NY politicians participate in forum
- Kushner discusses playwriting
- News in brief: AIDS authority joins Nursing School
- News in brief: Five professors join science association
- NIH researcher speaks about finding the gay gene
- NY sex crimes attorney speaks
- GHAP Advertisement for free HIV testing
- Ad asking for committee chairs and members and volunteers to help bring the AIDS quilt to Columbia
- Student Life Workshops and Therapy Groups
- Panelists at SIPA argue about legalization of drugs
- Professor researches unethical organ use
- Researcher speaks on Thai prostitution
- Social Work creates partnerships
- Alumni receive John Jay Awards
- Haiti invasion illegal, predictable
- Statue of Venus at Barnard College draped in black to honor World AIDS Day
- Guide to the NY Primary Election
- Student Life Workshops & Therapy Groups
- Survey explores drinking
- Alma Mater statue covered to observe a Day Without Art in recognition of the AIDS epidemic
- WKCR hosts Festival of Contemporary Writers

- For the record—Student comments on the 6 week wait period for HIV results from University Health Services.
- For the record: Quote from Village Voice about AIDS Quilt detractors
- Funding sought to bring AIDS Quilt to Columbia
- GHAP teaches safer sex to students
- Heroin hello
- HIV positive author talks about struggles
- HIV testing delayed at Columbia
- GHAP meeting schedule for students, faculty and staff
- Keith Cylar of HousingWorks speaks
- Latinos can offer wisdom of experience
- Letter to the editor: Not so Eazy
- Letter to the editor: Quilt Misanthropy
- Letter to the editor: Spectator spots
- Marijuana advocate praises the drug's medicinal uses
- Needle exchange director discusses drug addiction
- News in Brief: ESC amends constitution
- News in Brief: ESC donates funds to dance benefit
- Ad: This is your chance to craft a panel for the AIDS Quilt
- Ad: The AIDS Quilt is coming to Columbia - Last chance to get involved!
- Ph.D. case appealed to court
- Ad: GHAP asks students to join one of four projects they are running
- Pope draws over 125,000 to park, rally held in protest
- Protest? What protest?
- AIDS Quilt appeases straight guilt
- Quote of the Day from Wayne Seward, regarding why HIV rates are highest among men at Columbia
- Service held for new Quilt panels
- Shelters bring holidays to the homeless
- SIPA hold workshop on budget cuts
- Spectrum: Ask what you can do for Columbia
- Spectrum: Drugs a public health issue
- Spectrum: Unsafe sex affects gays too
- Talent is marker of new class standouts
- Photo of AIDS Walk
- Welcome to Columbia: Class of 1999 arrives
- Women inhabit a real environment of rape and violence

- Ad: HIV Positive Support Group
- Ad: Pasteur and 21st Century Roundtable
- Breslin addresses journalism students
- Club Zamana sponsors SALAG
- Dining services rep attends SGA meeting
- Editorial: Spaced Out
- Health Services educates students at Wellness Day
- Latino groups hold conference for prospectives
- New York prepares for voter registration drive
- Reformer denounces Americas drug prohibition
- Rupp grants degrees to 8000 graduates
- SGA allocates money to groups
- Spectrum: Gay and straight fight AIDS virus
- Sports: Against All Odds/ The Jodi Norton Story
- UN's Albright speaks at SIPA

- Ad: HIV Home Test
- Ad: HIV Positive Support Group
- AIDS fundraiser dominates SGA talk
- AIDS health issues discussed at justice forum
- Barnard play teaches about AIDS struggles
- Broadway Tonite to continue
- Broadway Tonite to kick off Sunday night
- Campus Clippings - World AIDS Day commemoration
- Compassion is substance of life
- Quote of the Day from GMHC
- Reclaiming dignity at CU
- Speaker discusses history of AIDS

- Ad: Disorientation '98
- Asian American Alliance Hosts Talk on Homosexuality
- CU Poll Shows Political Apathy Among Students
- Health Advocacy Project Brings Empathy to CU Gays, Bisexuals
- Opening of Gay Bar Delayed Because of Community Protest
- Queer Alliance Stands Out at Gay Pride March
- School of Public Health Works to Heal the World
- Study Shows Increase in Student Optimism

- Ad: Student Life Groups & Workshops
- Ad: University Lecture - Molecular Understanding of HIV Infection and Its Controls
- Columbia Honors Six Luminaries with Degrees
- CU Danceathon to Benefit AIDS Group
- Health Area Receives Face-Lift
- Latinos Celebrate Heritage
- Renowned Researcher Outlines AIDS Advances
- Talk Highlights University Achievements in Science

- Activist Calls for AIDS Awareness by Seniors
- Campus Calendar: Panel Discussion to Benefit Africans with HIV and AIDS
- Campus Calendar: United Students of Color Council Panel and United Students of Color Council Benefit Concert
- Dance Marathon Has Same Format, New Goals
- Dance Marathon Raises AIDS Funds, Awareness
- Dance Marathon Reaches Out to Children
- Letters to the Editor: Health Services Continues to Respond to Student Needs with Survey Results
- Quilting a Memory
- Saving Our Babys
- Truman Scholars Aspire To Be Public Advocates
- World AIDS Day Forum Raises Awareness

- Ady Barkan Unilateral Compassion
- Campus Calendar: Columbia Queer Meeting
- Disco Students Raise Awareness
- Forum Calls Anti-AIDS Effort a 'Global Flight'
- Graduate History Conference Grapples with 'Why We Write'
- In Our Pages 20 Years Ago
- Mitchell Scholar Seeks To Study Public Health Issues
- Rally Kicks Off First Ever CU AIDS Week
- Relating Gender and AIDS
- Roving Reporter: World AIDS Day
- Until There's a Cure

- 26.2 Miles of Boogie: CU Dance Marathon One Hundred Students Dance for 28 Hours to Raise $79,000 for Pediatric AIDS Foundation
- Ad: Letter to George W. Bush
- Big-Name Profs Draw Large Crowds
- Campus Queer Groups Aid Gay Homeless
- Contributor: Giving Blood When Others Can't
- Contributor: How to Save 45,000 Lives in a Day
- Contributor: More to World Poverty Than Sachs
- Get Poked for a Good Cause
- HIV Education for the Ride Home
- On Their Knees, Students Break Guiness Record
- Roving Reporter: John Ashcroft

- According to a New Study (Strategies for Management of Anti-Retroviral Therapy)
- AIDS AWARENESS MONTH: Campus AIDS Activism Continues to Evolve
- AIDS AWARENESS MONTH: Learning the Details Early
- AUDIO - VISUAL AIDS: AIDS in the Media, Past and Present
- Bringing the Red Light District Home
- Panel Examines Lives of Gays in Africa
- Queering the (Jewish) Faith
- Taking American Values Out of HIV/AIDS Legislation

- Holder Talks Financial Crime, Affirmative Action at Low
- Keeping Sex Healthy
- Letter from the Editor
- Letter to the Editor: Response to Fight On - The Story of AIDS at Columbia
- Students Danced All Night at Marathon
- Students Raise Record-Breaking Contributions to Fight AIDS at Dance Marathon
- The Fear of Being HIV-Positive